Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music

The Guide.

I think this site is hilarious.  I stumbled over it as a freshman in college way-back-when, when I would look for cool shows in Mpls to go to.  It's so sarcastic.  Funny.  I just looked over it: it's still funny.

Take this example, from the genre called NOIZECORE:

Noisecore is not music insomuch as it is anti-music. It is a recreation of the sounds in our modern technological society through an abrasive form. In this instance, then, what is commonly considered noise is not. It is simply part of our surroundings through a grual introduction. For instance, imagine living in the city, seeing nothing but glass and steel and concrete consuming our daily grind like an apathetic beast shoveling food into its bottomless belly. Imagine also the sounds that go along with it, the jackhammers and cars and hustle and bustle of people moving about. These sounds have become so much part of our daily consciousness that we don't even notice it anymore. In fact, if it gets too quiet, we feel uncomfortable, as exemplified by our need to have a television set on in our home all the time, even if we aren't watching it. If you go out into a desert, or a lake, or someplace secluded from everything so that there is no sound anywhere for miles and no wind, hold your breath and open your mouth, you can actually hear the blood flowing through your ears. An interesting trick, yes, but it brings about the realization that total and complete silence is not actually capable to us. Unless you were born deaf, you have never known total and complete quiet; that is, zero sound waves reverberating in your ears. There is always a constant sound with you, even if it's your own heartbeat. An interesting way of looking at things, but at the same time it's also rather disturbing. I think the point I'm trying to make in all this is when it really comes down to it we need noise in our lives because we can't imagine living without it. Furthermore, despite this necessity--nay, DEPENDANCY--on the sounds of life and the world around us, and how pleasing this noise actually makes us feel, Noisecore as a genre is definitely not something we are looking for, and you are much better off simply disregarding it entirely and taking everything I just said as a huge collossal waste of time.


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